CHICAGO — Following President Joe Biden’s executive order expanding protections for spouses and children of U.S. citizens and establishing a new pathway to work visas for certain DACA recipients earlier this week, State Senator Natalie Toro (D-Chicago) released the following statement:

“No family deserves to live in fear of being torn apart. However, for decades, mixed-status families have lived in this constant state of anxiety and shame, worried that they may be permanently separated from each other. All the while, those without permanent resident status worked tirelessly to provide for their families, contributing to our economy while they were terrified of deportation. President Biden’s recent executive action will eliminate these fears and allow for mixed-status families to feel more at home here, as they deserve to be after years of their contribution to our communities and country. I am pleased that the president has prioritized the needs of our immigrant families, as they often sacrifice the most for the least rewards, and I hope to see more improvements to our immigration system moving forward since there is more work to be done.”